This documentary tells the story of a man's disappearance, and the intense search to find him after he and his family are forced into a Covid-19 quarantine. His disappearance ignites a litany of questions in a search for truth in regard to the narrative surrounding the current pandemic. Through interviews with doctors, scientists, and health professionals, we start to uncover a different side to the story of COVID-19.
North Americans are sick. In the past we have been turning to anti-depressant drugs and a litany of other addictive behaviours for help, but as we’ve come to see, these substances have failed us and we are out of options. “Ayahuasca & the Path of the Shaman” is the story of how a Plant Medicine from Peru is starting to heal people that feel helpless in their struggle and have lost their faith in Western Medicine.
"Ayahuasca & the Path of the Shaman" is the story of Dave, a North American who’s depression leads him into the world of Shamanism and the Peruvian Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca. We also follow Shannan as she begins her journey with Dave and this strange medicine, uncovering child-hood trauma buried deep inside her sub-conscious. With the help of Dr. Gabor Mate, Dave shares this plant's healing powers with fellow North Americans.
Our Mission is to create meaningful films in the pursuit of bringing truth, awareness and healing to our society. We believe there is great value in this documentary and encourage you to give what you can so we can keep making films that create positive change.
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